We understand the importance of seamless and accessible communication. That's why we're proud to offer USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) solutions that revolutionize the way businesses engage with their audience.

[ Empowering You with Innovative Solutions ]

Discover The Power
Of USSD Service

USSD technology allows for quick and interactive communication between users and applications, using simple codes on a mobile device. It doesn't require an internet connection, making it an incredibly accessible tool for reaching a wide audience, regardless of their device's capabilities.

[ How It Works ]

USSD Product Overview

Dedicated USSD

This is a unique three-digit code, such as *254#, exclusively utilized by an individual user for their company or service.

Shared USSD

This code is utilized by numerous companies or services, with each company being assigned a dedicated channel on our exclusive codes, such as;

*254#  – (brand ‘A’)

*254*X#  – (brand ‘B’)

[ Uncover the Benefits of Our Products ]

USSD Service Features

Seamless Integration

Integrate with existing systems enabling smooth communication and data exchange between  platforms.

Analytics & Reporting

Track usage patterns, monitor performance, and gather insights for continuous improvement.

Flexible Pricing

Select either pre-paid or post-paid billing options based on your business requirements and enjoy the service.

High Capacity

Our USSD gateway is designed to manage numerous simultaneous API requests seamlessly.

[ More Reasons To Choose Us ]

Why Choose Our USSD Service

  • Expertise

Benefit from our expertise in crafting custom USSD solutions tailored to your requirements.

  • Reliability

Rely on our robust infrastructure that ensures smooth and uninterrupted service delivery.

  • Scalability

Our USSD services are designed to grow with your business, adapting to your evolving needs effortlessly.

  • Security

Trust our secure systems to safeguard sensitive information during all transactions.

[ Use Cases ]

Start & Scale Customer Relationships


Mobile Financial Services

Enable users to access banking and financial services such as checking account balances, transferring funds, paying bills, and purchasing airtime directly through USSD menus.


Customer Support and Self-Service

Provide users with quick customer support options via USSD menus, allowing them to access FAQs, troubleshoot common issues, update account information, and track service requests.


Information and Alerts

Deliver timely and relevant information to users through USSD messages, including news updates, weather forecasts, emergency alerts, and promotional offers.

Our Other Messaging Products

[ Get Informed ]


USSD stands for Unstructured Supplementary Service Data. It’s a technology that allows for communication between a mobile device and a network’s server. It operates through short codes and doesn’t require an internet connection, making it widely accessible.

USSD works by establishing a direct communication channel between a mobile device and an application’s server. Users enter short codes (e.g., *123#) to initiate a session and navigate through menus by responding to prompts with numeric inputs.

No, USSD and SMS (Short Message Service) are different. USSD allows for interactive communication in real time, while SMS is a one-way messaging service that doesn’t require an immediate response.

USSD has diverse applications:

  • Customer service interactions
  • Mobile banking and payments
  • Service activations and deactivations
  • Information delivery (balance inquiries, weather updates, etc.)
  • Interactive marketing campaigns

No, USSD doesn’t require an internet connection. It operates through the GSM network and can be used on basic mobile phones.

USSD transactions are generally secure. However, it’s crucial to ensure that the service provider implements robust security measures to protect sensitive data during transactions.

USSD services might vary in availability across different countries and mobile network operators. Some services might not be accessible when roaming internationally.

To access USSD services, dial the specific short code provided by the service provider on your mobile device and follow the on-screen prompts to navigate through the menus.

es, USSD sessions can have a predefined timeout period to ensure security and efficient use of network resources. If a user doesn’t respond within the set time, the session might end automatically.

Yes, USSD services can be tailored to meet the unique requirements of businesses. Service providers can design custom menus, prompts, and functionalities according to the business’s needs

[ Inspiring Stories ]

Our USSD Clients Speak

Through personal anecdotes and testimonials, witness the journey of transformation and empowerment fueled by USSD technology.

Comm-ect Group

Utilized USSD services to facilitate member contributions, provide access to community and disseminate information.

AID Work

Leveraged USSD to coordinate emergency response efforts, distribute aid and collect feedback and data.

Work-Learn Innovations

Implemented USSD to streamline communication, tracking, exam notifications, and interactive learning.

[ The Infopromo Library ]

Your Source for USSD Knowledge

Explore insightful articles, case studies, and best practices to unlock the full potential of USSD for your business or organization.

Enhancing Engagement With USSD

Learn how businesses can leverage USSD technology to engage with customers effectively, streamline processes, and deliver experiences.

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Unlocking The Power of USSD

Explore the fundamentals of USSD technology, its capabilities, and its applications across various industries.

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Revolutionizing Fintech With USSD

Discover how USSD is transforming the landscape of mobile banking, empowering individuals to access financial services.

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What are you waiting for?

Apply for a USSD Code!